The New Norm...

Each week for some time now I have addressed this stupid virus and the impact it has caused. I am so sick of giving it any more grace, yet escape from it is not viable. I suppose it is time to just accept the fact that this my friends, is indeed, our new way of life. Everyone better figure out how to sew or discover another method to hunt down masks for their household. If you really have to see a face or attend a meeting or group, then you have had to or will need to, educate yourself on how to use Zoom, FaceTime, Teams, etc. Parents have been instructed to be diligent at requiring their children to do NTI work and not use this time as an extended Spring Break. On the same note, we must avoid gaining 3 zillion pounds while commanded to stay put. So on and so on. Such easy and minor tasks. HA! So many “News”.

I do not understand how it all go to be so awful in this day and age we live in. It is as though society had to unplug and plug it back in with itself to find out if it works. How do you embrace these challenges when we are told not to embrace anything?! I want to kick it and throw it. I want it to be over. We live in isolation half the flipping year with flu season anyway. Add more to it and there won’t be enough mental health care out there. Even my older kids, who actually do understand what is going on, have started to peak into their own type of crazy. I long for the day I can breathe deep into the spring air within close range of a friend (unmasked) and not have fear well up inside my heart. Can it please return already?!?!?!
