So many special needs families have to don themselves with boxing gloves and a PHD to go up against the denials of insurance. My family is no different. It has always baffled me as to who exactly makes these decisions with “real” discretion. Should I give this child more colostomy bags, no! Denied. Would an extra feeding pump bag be too much, why yes it would! Denied. Like, are we going to the black market with these things? What do they think? Children are getting the bare minimum with medical supplies and families are still having to pay out of pocket for many required items. It seems ridiculous in a country where you can get Viagra at the drop of a hat, that a child with multiple medical fragilities would have to plead to get anything!
Whose ear do we need to tickle? Whose yard needs to be picketed? Oh, that’s right, we can’t do that because we have to care for our children who require a bit more. Can’t just pack ‘em up in the car to go be a hungry advocate. And even if we could, there’s still the issue of being immuno-compromised. I suppose my blog is the sword for us and others right now.
So Andy Brashear, Andy Barr, Mitch, Cherlyn and so on… this is for you!
Take on the good fight guys. We need you.
Call me.