A week...

Funny how much can change in a week. In a day, or hour even. Minute by minute we are graced with life yet ever evolving it is without our permission.

This time last week I was mad. I felt abandoned. On whatever truth it was based on, the defeat was intense and obscuring my purpose.

But to whom do I answer? Is the goal to touch one life or a trillion? It should certainly be the first. If that intention becomes distorted then the mission does as well.

There is much that you all are carrying. There is much help that needs to be given. There are many lives to encourage. We as humans forget though, that we are just that…human! We can not rid the world of all the ugly as a lone ranger. But, there is a twisted part of reality we live in now that validates only the ones with the most twitter followers or friends list and so on with social media. Just like the ads with all the super skinny models, much of this is unattainable, and done with ill intent anyway. So easily are our brains programmed into the belief that what we do is not good enough if it isn’t grand enough. It all fits into the same box. I found myself prey to this.

Not today.

I am only one imperfect human, but that is enough.

You and you and you are all immeasurably valuable. Created with and for your own purpose. If all I do is bring a smile to just one of you, then thank you Jesus, my job has been a success. Do not let the world’s visions of grandeur detour your pursuits either. One must be humble in order to learn. One must be willing to accept that many aren’t going to go with them on their walk. But if it is meant for you in all good intent and the will of the Creator shining light on the terrain, then you better get at it. Alone…why not?

But you really aren’t.

Somebody is always watching. Somebody needs you. You never know how you will impact another person. It is the effort that is invaluable. It is the grit and the content of your service that makes the difference. You don’t require an audiences approval, friend.

So chin up. You aren’t allowed to stop. It is ok if you are not ok. But don’t think for a minute that you are allowed to use that for an excuse to collapse. Use it as a tool to climb up on and while you are there, grab someone else’s hand.

One at a time.