His Beloved.

The opposite of good is evil. Easily understood.

But, we mush it all up and confuse things, making a mess.

We see color and somehow assign it to one side or another. But why?.

How can the depth of blue sky compare it’s beauty with the majestic green tree tops? Why would this even be a thing?

The creator of it all left an instruction book for us if you didn’t know. He says, for the ignorant, there is grace. And for the hurt, you are beloved.

He assigned us each a heart that was designed to explode with His values to a sad and dying world. His love is unconditional. It transcends all barriers. We are to mimic this, right? We gave a certain rule the name “golden” because it held such value. How come we forgot?

For too long man has held his pride higher than the cries and needs of his fellow. It is evident that we have not evolved. This breaks my heart. I can not imagine how much it breaks Gods.

So, I will stand by you, my hurting friends in the black community. Hurt should not hold a place here. There are so many uncontrollable hurts we deal with daily. Prejudice and injustice are controllable choices. Those that can add no value to anyone, at anytime.

If a child can understand love and not define it by assigning it to a specific thing such as race, then how foolish are we as functioning adults to not do the same?

I am thankful for all of the diversity in our country. I am thankful for your strength and beauty, black America. From one who is constantly preaching that others walk a mile because they don’t understand…I respect your anger.

I urge America to seek GOOD. I will pray to dismantle EVIL. And evil is the ugly out there, that argues their side instead of just seeing the hurt and offering empathy.

Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth. - 1 John 3:18