Someone asked me what my new year resolutions were.
I do not make any.
I am simply going to be determined to set goals and hit them them. Repeat. I used to be a runner (well jogger because I am barely above turtle pace, but don’t judge me). I would like to get my COVID body off the couch and back on the sidewalk. I would like to change up some things on my website maybe, and figure out new ways to help others. See, these things aren’t resolutions.
What about you?
Sometimes when resolutions are set and they are hard to attain, we kick ourselves and think that no level of whatever it is we were trying for is reachable. This is a lie. We should of course set standards, but you know your breaking point. Prove to yourself you can hit the first mark and then keep going. Whatever pace you like (like my running, turtle speed is still moving forward…).
What I am really trying to push is to value yourself more this year. The things close to your heart that you have neglected or given up on. Broadly pushing “self care”. I have preached this for years and am just as guilty as the next person for rolling my eyes and laughing at the concept. But like my intentions with the above, maybe starting small and simple can help reboot this area of life currently lined with cobwebs.
Step one: be kind to YOU.
It is easy to scream from the mountains about being kind to others. You can only show love if you have some inside yourself though. If your cup is empty in any way then it can’t be poured from. So I say, be resolute to sleep and not feel guilty. Eat a cupcake without getting on a scale. Binge a TV show without feeling like a couch potato. Just don’t stay there. Everything in life should be set in moderation. We get that wrong too and people turn into fitness nuts full of judgement or the other end becoming super unhealthy or shameful. Alcohol, drugs, on and on. Could it be because we are trying to cure ourselves of something rather than give ourselves grace? Could it be because we just have had our perspective skewed? Most people are full of unhealed hurts and their own bodies become the punching bag. They never did and still haven’t really loved themselves. I say this is the year to try. I say this is the year to heal. Find peace.
Resolute means admirable purposeful, determined and unwavering..
Resolution means a firm decision or the “quality” of being resolute.
So make your resolute evolve in to a resolution. And make it personal. That may be painful, and you may need to intentionally seek help. Do it.
You can not glow from the inside out if your wick ain’t lit. - me